
I’m an ordinary mum, there really is nothing special about me.

My journey to motherhood was not an easy one... but then I know I'm definitely not alone there! It just means we don't take any of it for granted.

I'm sure at some point, I'll cover all of the highs and some of the lows.

I still find it weird to actually refer to myself as a 'Mum', but here I am... and I can honestly say, hand on heart, for all of its craziness, I love it.

I love it because it’s brought SO much more to my life… But in doing that, my life is now in a constant state of chaos, and my days are filled with laughter, stress, anxiety, shit (like literally lots of actual faeces) as well as metaphorical shit! Guilt… constant guilt … and WINE – LOTS AND LOTS OF WINE!

So this is my way of coping with all of the above. I find it better to laugh about the misgivings and mishaps and most importantly laugh at myself and my clumsy journey on the rocky, unpredictable road that is motherhood.

I’d love you to join me through the laughter, love and tears. My opinions are just that. My opinions. You don’t have to agree… We are all individuals, on our own journeys. That’s what makes life exciting, funny and fabulously fucked up!

It's just good to know we're not alone.


(The irony hasn't escaped me that my web address could be misread as mumbling sofa mum, which sometimes, I wish I was... however, with two lively, characterful (I think that's the term commonly used for 'hyperactive') boys... and a full time job... time on the sofa is definitely a thing of the past...)
